Chapter 9.5- Birthdays

Calista and Oliver go on a date

Olive is going through a bear phase

Calista gains a trait

Olive dances

The twins become teens. Oscar is creative and Olive a child of the Ocean

Calista uses the computer

Cayla becomes an elder

Oscar does a workout

Cayla improves a skill

Calista makes nectar

Cayla plays the piano

Calista becomes a adult

She completes her aspiration

and gets a new one

The family go on Vacation and Calista goes exploring in the Jungle searching for artefacts

She uncovers a artefact

Cayla improves a skill

The family take another trip to the Jungle and sadly Robi's time is up

Oscar and Calista like being silly together

Oscar does some cardio

Olive does some cleaning


Chapter 9.6- Passing on the Torch for the Final Time


Chapter 9.4- Skills