Chapter 8.9- Learning and Developing

Calista does some cooking

Andy loves video games

Robi improves his parenting

Andy and Calum are quite close and love chatting together

Robi gets a part in a adventure tv show and gets gold

Calista improves a skill

Calum does the dishes

Calum and Calista enjoy being silly together

Calum does some dancing

Calista's cooking is improving

Andy plays with dolls

Robi is nearing the top of Stardom

Robi goes to the Lounge and Incites some cheers

Andy masters the motor skill

Cayla is an adult

She gains a trait

Andy becomes a teen and gains the Childish trait

Calum plays with dolls

Robi uses the computer

The boys do some dancing


Chapter 8.10-Choices


Chapter 8.8-Sad Goodbyes