Sims Stories

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Babies 22 and 23

Ezra starts a fire

Adair is potty trained

Molona repairs the toilet

The next Donor is Laylor

Ezra supports his little brother in using the potty

Adair can sleep through a lot

Birthdays. Drew and Dakota are now teens and Ezra is a Young Adult. Drew loves the outdoors and Dakota is a Insider. Ezra gains the child of the islands trait and the Public Enemy Aspiration, He moves out.

Molona repairs

Molona and Dakota love being silly together

Hunter is an intense infant

Drew and Dakota work on school projects

Adair plays at the blocks table

Molona does tummy time

Catie plays with toys

and in the tent

Dakota dances

Catie does a puppet show

Adair becomes an Adventorous child

Hunter works on fine motor skills

Adair plays with marbles

Catie makes a snowpal

Hunter quirks start to appear

He becomes an Inquisitive toddler

Our second set of Twins are born. Meet Babies 22 and 23 Lachlan and Landon

Babies 23/100–77 to go

Baby Count

Single Births:19



Occults: 1


Boys: 14