Baby 15

The children work on school projects

Molona repairs the toilet

Silas becomes a wiggly infant

Luna becomes an angelic toddler

Molona does tummy time

Quirks start appearing

Molona starts potty training

Meet Donor 11 Juane

Izaan and Luna get in arguments some times

Beni becomes a young adult and moves out. He gains the Childish trait and the Bestselling Author aspiration

Luna plays in the tent

Silas can now sit up

Luna becomes a child and gains the Gloomy trait

Silas becomes a toddler and gains the clingy trait

Silas’s quirks

Molona repairs the dishwasher

Sari does some cooking

Silas uses the potty

and plays with blocks

Sari becomes a young adult and moves out. Her final trait is Romantic and her aspiration is Inner Peace

Lorna becomes a teen and gains the Insider trait

Baby 15 Jerima is born

Baby Count

Babies 15/100–84 to go

Single Births:13





Boys: 8


Baby 16


Baby 14