Sims Stories

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Baby 16

Luna plays in the tent

Lorna dances

Meet Donor 15- Erik

The family spend time together

Lorna and Luna get a new dynamic

Luna and Lorna dance

Izaan repairs the computer

Silas plays outside

The family love dancing

Jerima becomes a wiggly infant


Molona does tummy time

Luna works on her social skill

Silas becomes a child and gains the goofball trait

Molona does some repairs

She works on Logic

Izaan becomes a young adult and moves out. His final trait is Vegetarian and his aspiration is Chief of mischief

Lorna also becomes a young adult. She’s Mean and her aspiration is Friend of the Animals

Jerima becomes a toddler and gains the Happy infant and fussy traits

She loves water

Baby 16 Ezra is born

Baby Count

Babies 16/100–84 to go

Single Births:14




