Sims Stories

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Baby 9

Daisy becomes a teen and gains the Child of the islands and high self esteem traits

Troy becomes a young adult and moves out. He gains child of the ocean trait and his aspiration is werewolf.

Molona does some gardening

she teaches Conner to talk

and gets promoted

Conner becomes a child and gains the Cheerful trait

Meet Donor 8 Bleu

Caitlin is soon a wiggly infant

homework time

Daisy is a great big sister

The family finally have enough money to move to their new spacious home.

Conner enjoys dancing

Caitlin's quirks start to be revealed

Kenny does some exercise

Caitlin is soon a toddler. She gains happy infant and wild traits

Molona starts potty training

Conner plays computer games

Caitlin plays in the tent

Baby 9 Beni is born.

Baby Count

Babies 9/100- 91 to go

Single Births: 7




