Round 1, Family 5-Crocket

Meet the Founder of my Generation’s legacy. Lincey Crocket traits are: Bookworm, romantic and Loves outdoors. Below are her Goals for Generation 1.

·         Complete Angling Ace Aspiration

·         Complete Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration

·         Date a Squeamish sim

·         Take Partner and Founder on holiday to Granite falls

·         Max out Herbalism

·         Complete fish and Insect collection for Base game and outdoor retreat

·         Enter Secret Lot and befriend Hermit

Lincey starts a fire

She does some grilling

and gets a job

She starts working on the Angling Ace aspiration and enjoys it.

She starts dating Nobuya.

She is becoming great at Fishing

She gets promoted

and writes a book. Lincey has made good progress on her goals, this rotation. She found 15 out of 29 Fish and has developed her skill to Level 7.


Round 1, Family 6- Collazo


Round 1,Family 4- Frosten