Round 2, Family 1- Simes

Jerome is soon a Sunny Infant

His Quirks

More Experimental foods tasted and learnt and also a date

Jessica and Johnny get married

Johnny gets a job

Jessica repairs

and improves a skill

Jess cleans

John gets promoted

and does tummy time with his son

John works on his guitar skill

Jess gets promoted

as does John

Jess is soon pregnant

Jess is not a fan of retro Music

Jerome becomes a toddler with Unhappy Infant and Independent Traits


Aspiration- Tier 1

Cooking Skill-6

Gourmet Cooking Skill-3

Experimental Prints- 14/20

Culinary Career- Level 4

City Living Recipes- 0


Round 2, Family 2- Reyes


Round 1, Family 10- Legion