Sims Stories

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Round 2, Family 2- Reyes

A new item is bought for our collection. Jari is also born.

Luci repairs the toilet

Jane tries some new foods

She does make a mess when eating though

Mari starts working on a mural for work

Jack gets promoted

Mari watches some performers for work

Jari is soon a cautious Infant

Jane plays with toys

Mari does tummy time with Jari

Mari is soon pregnant with Baby 3

She loves cooking

Jari loves to be held

Mari gets promoted

and gets a new job

Jane becomes a toddler with Unhappy Infant and Independent traits

Luci gets promoted

She works on her writing skill

The girls quirks. Jane hates being held, is a messy eater and hates going to bed. Jari spits up a lot and can soothe herself.

More tummy time

Luci plays with Jane

Dancing Fun

Jack and Mari get promoted

Jari becomes a toddler with Unhappy infant and inquisitive traits

Her quirks

Mari’s and Jack’s third daughter Juno becomes a Wiggly infant

Jari enjoys playing with blocks and Jane plays with toys.

Jack enjoys fixing things


Martial Structure- Couple with Help- Mari and Jack are Married and the help is Mari’s Sister

Children- 3/5

Careers: Primary- Secret Agent- Diamond Agent- Jack is Level 4

Secondary- Job Hopper- Critic Art, Entertainer- Musician, Criminal-Boss, Social Media,social media- PR. Mari is in the second career.

Secondary 2- Stylist- Luci is Level 4

Goal- Saving Space- Must live in tiny home for entire generation. In Progress

Misc- My precious- Once a week buy something shiny from decorations and display in home. In Progress