Sims Stories

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Round 3, Family 2- Reyes

Another item for the Pretty Corner

Jari plays with toys

Jack goes and finds Juno to feed her, She was all the way next to the river.

and she hates to be held

Jane can now use the potty instead of her nappy all the time

Jack improved his cooking

The couple’s fourth child is a boy called Joey,

Mari is soon pregnant with her final child.

Mari reads bedtime stories

Mari gets promoted

Juno can soothe herself

Jane chats to the bear

Jane is soon a child, and she gains the outgoing trait

Mari is becoming a great cook

Jane enjoys being silly with her dad

Jari plays with blocks

Jane enjoys making art

Luci gets promoted

She does some painting

Marianne gains a trait

and gets promoted

Jane plays chess

Juno becomes a toddler with the Inquisitive trait

Joey becomes a cautious Infant and some of his quirks appear

Juno loves books

Jari becomes a child and gains the outgoing trait.


Martial Structure- Couple with Help- Mari and Jack are Married and the help is Mari’s Sister

Children- 4/5

Careers: Primary- Secret Agent- Diamond Agent- Jack is Level 4

Secondary- Job Hopper- Critic Art, Entertainer- Musician, Criminal-Boss, Social Media,social media- PR. Mari is in the second career.

Secondary 2- Stylist- Luci is Level 5

Goal- Saving Space- Must live in tiny home for entire generation. In Progress

Misc- My precious- Once a week buy something shiny from decorations and display in home. In Progress