Sims Stories

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Round 4, Family 2- Reyes

Juno plays with toys

Mari is a great cook

Juno is a fussy eater

A plant is purchased

Jackson is promoted

Jari plays with dolls

Mari masters cooking

Juno plays with toys

Mari does tummy time with Joey

The girls work on homework

Jackson repairs the toilet

Juno sleeps well

Jackson improves a skill

Juno entertains herself

The girls work on school projects

Mari gets promoted

She gets a new job

Luci gets promoted

Jane plays with dolls

Luci loves painting

Jane masters creativity

Joey becomes a independent toddler

Mari gets promoted

Joey’s quirks

Jaya is born

Luci improves a skill

Birthdays. Juno is a child and gets the outgoing trait, Jaya is a Sensitive infant

Luci becomes a adult


Jackson does tummy time with Jaya

Jari and Jane max skills


Martial Structure- Couple with Help- Mari and Jack are Married, and the help is Mari’s Sister

Children- 5/5

Careers: Primary- Secret Agent- Diamond Agent- Jack is Level 5

Secondary- Job Hopper- Critic Art, Entertainer- Musician, Criminal-Boss, Social Media, social media- PR. Mari is in the third career

Secondary 2- Stylist- Luci is Level 6

Goal- Saving Space- Must live in tiny home for entire generation. In Progress

Misc- My precious- Once a week buy something shiny from decorations and display in home. In Progress