Chapter 5.6-Passing on the legacy

Marlin helps with cleaning

Molly creates an indoor garden

She soon improves her skill too

Marlin becomes close with Rae

Bela does some reading

The family get a visit from a burglar

Marlin works on homework

Anabel dies at 96 days

Cali has a daughter

Carli gets promoted

Bela gets her fortune told

Carli buys a new item for her collection

Molly is now dating Alec

Carli does some cooking

Cornelius and Bela find time for romance

Marlin and Rae become romantic

Molly plays chess

Carli has some fun

Anabel and Carli enjoy pillow fights

Molly improves a skill

She is soon a Young Adult and as the heir will be leading Gen 6. Her rolls are Mixed Couple, 1 Child but will be having two to complete rolls, Careers- Science and Law Enforcement- Super Spy, Goal- The Opportunist- Must do all opportunities and Homemade- No quick meals, only meals cooked from fresh produce. Her traits are Genius, Loves outdoors, Angler, Loves the heat and Green Thumb. Furthermore, her Lifetime wish is Creature Cross Breeder.


Chapter 6.1- Expanding the Family


Chapter 5.5- Teens