Sims Stories

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Chapter 6.7- Passing on the legacy

Molly completes a skill challenge

Mina does a workout

Molly and Alec are still romantic

Alora learns to drive

Alec works out

Mina becomes a young adult. Her final trait is Perceptive, and she wants to solve 35 cases as a private investigator

She gets her licence

Alec gets a tattoo

Carli and Alec play juice pong

Mina works out

Carli makes a igloo

Alec completes his lifetime wish

Mina gains a trait

Alec works on logic

Carli works out

Mina gets promoted

Molly completes some opportunities

Molly completes her lifetime wish

Alec and Mina play chess

Alora does some exersize

as does Mina

Carli and Molly play table tennis

Carli dies

Carli becomes a Young Adult. Her final trait is Schmoozer and her lifetime wish is Super Popular. She is the heir to Gen 7 and the rolls are Single parent with help, Careers- Political, Private Investigator, Children- 2, Goal- Second chance for Career- Medical, Misc Fun-Hidden Hertiage