Chapter 4.3-Additions to the family

Cornelius and Bela get married

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Haley learns new recipes

Anabel is becoming a better cook

Carli plays with toys

Jones does a workout

Bela gains a trait

Carli plays with blocks

Anabel works out

Jones improves a skill

Jones dies of old age

The family have a five-star resort

Boyd becomes a young adult and moves out. He is Brooding and wants to be a professional Author

Carli becomes a child and gains the easily impressed traits

Cali is adopted

Benny is dating Lolita

Cornelius chats with Cali

The girls play princess

The parents bedroom is upgraded to get all luxury items,

Anabel gains a trait

Carli spends time with Sam Sekemoto


Chapter 3.3-Glitches


Chapter 3.2-Birthdays