Chapter 3.13- Passing on the Legacy

Capri uses the telescope

Carol masters a skill

Nico gains a trait

Omar completes his first term

Capri becomes a young adult and moves out.  She loves Art and wants to be a Nectar Maker

Nico does some yoga

Carol dances

Repairs are done

Carol gets promoted

Nico becomes a elder

He retires

Nico plays in the snow

Itzel now has a son Bo, Nico spends some time with him.

Omar completes another term

Nico soon has his birthday and is a Young Adult. His traits are loves outdoors, outgoing and Foodie. His Aspiration is City Native, and of Course Gen 4 will take place in the city. The family has unlocked the following letters- E, V, A, L, Y, N,U, S, I, C, O, That's 11 out of 26, only 15 to go.


Chapter 4.1- The Start


Chapter 3.12- Achievements