Chapter 5.3- Toddler Fun

Rowz does tummy time with Wodf

Dandre gets promoted

Rox plays with dolls

The boy’s quirks start appearing

Dandre repairs the bath

Obid and Rox chatter away

Obid uses the slide

Rox plays in the tent

Obid plays with dolls

Rox plays with blocks

Dandre gets a new job

Ziqt the heir is born

Wodf learns to Crawl

Rox babbles to the bear

Obid uses the slide

Grim collects the chickens

Wodf plays with toys

Rox is soon a child and gains the animal enthusiast trait

Ziqt is a Sensitive Infant

Tummy time

Ziqt’s Quirks

Rowz gains a trait

Wodf crawls around


Chapter 5.4- Birthdays


Chapter 5.2- New Additions