Chapter 6.4- Skills

Zohed enjoys playing with the dolls house

Zohed and Idox enjoy playing marbles together

Zohed completes her aspiration

Edwin potty trains Qig

Ziqt does some painting

Idox works on his homework

Tabdhx is soon a Sunny Infant

Edwin does tummy time with Tabdhx

He also does flashcards with Qig

Qig plays with the dolls house

Edwin makes some jewerlly to sell.

Zohed rides her bike for a bit too long in the snow, luckily she came inside before she froze to death

Edwin bathes his daughter, teaches her to sit up, and encourages her to try new foods.

Tabdhx loves to eat and can soothe herself.

Qig loves the blocks

Idox makes a snowpal

Zohed can now ride around

Tabhdx learns to crawl

Edwin improves a skill

He also becomes an adult

Idox and Zohed find unique places to do their homework.

Edwin improves another skill.


Chapter 6.5- Aspirations


Chapter 6.3- The Final Child