Sims Stories

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Chapter 18.6- A Complete House

Kenji plays video games

Kami relaxes in the pool

Kenji plays pirates

Kami uses the lawn slide

Kami plays computer games

Kieran gets promoted

Kenji completes his aspiration

Kami completes hers

Molly has a surprise pregnancy

Kenji does some art

Molly repairs

Kerina is born

Keiran becomes an elder

He plays video games

Molly improves her fitness

Kami plays computer games

Kerina becomes a sunny infant

Kieran does tummy time

Kami becomes a Young Adult and gains the Materialistic trait. All House goals were completed and Kami is ready for House 19.

Kenji becomes a teen and gains the goof ball trait

This is the house, Final worth 202, 601 simolens