Chapter 17.5- Birthdays

Caila does tummy time

Mathias is a great dad

Marvin enjoys dancing

Matt enjoys being imaginative

Caila gets promoted

and becomes a adult

Marvin is soon a clingy toddler

Matt is now Evil

Marvin makes a mess when eating, now loves being carried and loves waking up

Marvin enjoys playing in the tent

Caila starts potty training

and does some painting

Matt enjoys playing computer games

Marvin plays with blocks

Mathias uses the computer

Matt and Mathias don't get on

Matt and Molly ignore the table to do their homework on the floor

Molly cleans up the house

Marvin enjoys dancing

Mathias plays with Marvin

Marvin enjoys playing on the rocking chair


Chapter 17.6-Passing on the Mantle


Chapter 17.4- A House of Boys