Sims Stories

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Chapter 9.5- Birthdays

Calista and Oliver go on a date

Olive is going through a bear phase

Calista gains a trait

Olive dances

The twins become teens. Oscar is creative and Olive a child of the Ocean

Calista uses the computer

Cayla becomes an elder

Oscar does a workout

Cayla improves a skill

Calista makes nectar

Cayla plays the piano

Calista becomes a adult

She completes her aspiration

and gets a new one

The family go on Vacation and Calista goes exploring in the Jungle searching for artefacts

She uncovers a artefact

Cayla improves a skill

The family take another trip to the Jungle and sadly Robi's time is up

Oscar and Calista like being silly together

Oscar does some cardio

Olive does some cleaning